Candle Making Wax Melting Tanks & Melting Pots
Melt Wax Fast & Save Time with the Fastest Wax Melting Tanks!


PRIMO Melter |
Water Jacketed Melting Tank |
Specifically Designed For Professional Candle Makers:
The Fastest Candle Wax Melting Tanks: WaxMelters wax melting tanks are the Fastest Melters for melting candle waxes and candle making. All we melt is wax, so if something was faster, we'd sell it ourselves.
Designed Specifically For Melting Candle Wax: Unlike other melters which work with "rough" "inexact" materials like tar, solder and adhesives, our systems are designed to melt your candle wax fast using precise, accurate temperature controls and with even, consistent, and safe heating to prevent hot spots, fires, or damage and burning of your waxes, scents and colors. Don't take chances with your candle business: Our melters melt wax fast and protect your candle wax from damage.
Exclusive Proprietary Inner Surface For Candle Making: All WaxMelters melting tanks have an exclusive proprietary inner surface which is polished, non-reactive, non-porous and
corrosion resistant for better quality candle making, fast color and scent changes without color and scent cross-contamination and easy clean up.
Think about it: People who use melting tanks to melt glue or asphalt don't care about color and scent changes or burning wax with uneven heat. |
Melts All Candle Waxes: Our Professional Candle Wax melting tanks and pots are specifically designed for fast, safe and reliable melting of organic and inorganic, refined and semi-refined, petroleum, animal, vegetable and synthetic based waxes and oils, including Paraffin Wax, Soy Wax, Vegetable Wax, Palm Wax, Beeswax and more. Our wax melting tanks melt and heat waxes and oils, from wickless flameless wax (melting point of 90ºF), to organic waxes like soy (mp 120º-125ºF) to beeswax (mp 155º-170ºF) and up to paraffin, palm oil and gels (mp 170º-212ºF).
The Most Energy Efficient Wax Melting: Our melters melt and heat your candle waxes and oils, not the room, and disburse the heat to melt your candle waxes most efficiently.
High Grade Construction, Safe & Completely Welded: All melting tanks are made of the highest grade construction and are completely welded to give you many years of candle making use without rusting, chipping, or flaking.
1 Year Warranty and Fantastic Customer Service on all melting tanks.
WaxMelters PW Series Wax Melting Tanks
WaxMelters PW (Professional Water Jacket and Water Jacketed Melters) Candle Wax Melting Tanks: Fast Melting thermostatically controlled double boiler style melting tank provides the fastest, most even heating possible and no "hot spots" when melting your candle waxes and making candles. Ideal as a stand-alone or batch melting tank. Replacement heaters available for on-site maintenance and repair.

WaxMelters PRIMO Series Wax Melters
The Fastest, Even Heating, Energy Efficient Melting Tanks
1000 LB Water Jacketed Melter = 6000 Watt Heating Element
PRIMO 1000 LB Melter = 1800 Watt Heating Element
And PRIMOs are 2-3X Faster Than Water Jacketed Melters |
1. Revolutionary Wax Melter is Fast, Even Heating & Energy Efficient
2. Fast But Uses Less Electricity Than Most Coffee Makers
3. Permanent Heating Elements= No More Replacement Heaters
4. Fast, Precise, Digitally Controlled Even Heating
5. Insulated Melter Keeps Melter Hot Inside, Cool Outside
6. High-Grade 304 Stainless Steel
7. Proprietary Inner Surface For Fast Color & Scent Changes
8. Heated Spout/Valve For Clog Free Operation
9. Round Inside & Square Outside for Faster Heating & Cleaning
Melt Wax Fast & Save Time with the Fastest Wax Melting Tanks!
Most Wax Melters In Stock & Ready To Ship!
Most Melters In Stock & Ready To Ship!
Don't Take Chances With Your Candle Business! "I purchased a melter from a well known company which advertises everywhere, especially on the web and usually ranks on top the search engines. I thought I could save a few dollars, but guess what happened when my melter actually caught on fire? Yes, the melter control box caught fire! Not once but actually twice! Even after I sent it back for repair. My whole warehouse almost caught fire. Imagine if I didn't have a warehouse and was working from my home? I jeopardized my company and employees. I lost months of production and had nothing but aggrevations all because I bought an inferior product. They waited weeks to get back to me. Even after I had to pay for shipping to have the burned melter repaired, it caught fire again! I complained but no one cared enough to help me with my defective melter. I didn't get a refund. Nothing. This company still advertises these same melters which caught on fire! Did this well known company which advertises everywhere even have insurance for the damages? No! I lost so much money and time and was left with only a burned up melter. Think you found a better way? I won't take any more chances with my business. From now on, I only purchase superior melters from Waxmelters." -David Vogel, President, KISS Candle Co.
Melts All Candle Waxes: Our Professional Candle Wax melting tanks and pots are specifically designed for fast, safe and reliable melting of organic and inorganic, refined and semi-refined, petroleum, animal, vegetable and synthetic based waxes and oils, including Paraffin Wax, Soy Wax, Vegetable Wax, Palm Wax, Beeswax and more. Our wax melting tanks melt and heat waxes and oils, from wickless flameless wax (melting point of 90ºF), to organic waxes like soy (mp 120º-125ºF) to beeswax (mp 155º-170ºF) and up to paraffin, palm oil and gels (mp 170º-212ºF).
The Best Methods of Melting Candle Wax:
PRIMO Modified Direct Heat Wax Melters
Specially Designed Direct Heat Melters for large amounts of candle wax.
Primo Melters use high-grade stainless steel, specialized heating, insulation and precision digital control for super Fast, Safe, Even Heating with No Hot Spots.
Primo Melters are also Round on Inside - Square on Outside for Faster Heating & Cleaning.
The Most Energy Efficient Candle Wax Melting Tanks feature a revolutionary heating element and ICC-ES recognized, Energy Star Qualified insulation with R-Values over 14 and rated to reflect up to 97% of radiant heat!
Round Inside For Fast, EZ cleaning! (Square tanks on request)
1 Year Warranty and fantastic customer service.
Water Jacketed Wax Melting Tanks & Melters:
Even heating of substances requiring 0-200° F (93° C) temperatures for melting.
The thermostatic controls (temperature controlled) and double boiler style provides the most even heating possible and no "hot spots."
Water jacket melting tanks with our immersion heaters are virtually 100% energy efficient since they transmit all their heat within the liquid itself and maintain a constant temperature.
Constructed of a high-grade stainless steel (either 16 or 20 gauge, type 304 stainless steel construction) with 2B finish that provides years of service while maintaining excellent appearance with no rust,chipping or flaking and prevents rusting and chipping.
Strong, safe and completely welded fittings prevent leaking.
Double walled melting tanks are strong and safe with a large filling area with a 1 inch (2.54 cm) male pipe thread dispensing outlet and a 1 inch (2.54 cm) female threaded ball valve and either stainless steel or lexan lid.
Intelligent, practical design allows you to quickly and easily insert replacement heating elements for efficient onsite repair.
The Myth of Low Wattage Melting Tanks: If a company's energy efficient melting tanks and heating pots take 8 hours to melt your wax, then are they more efficient than our melting tanks and heating pots which melt your wax in 1-3 hours? Probably not.
Kilowatt Hours: To calculate Watts used, you have to calculate the Watts multiplied by the amount of time it takes to melt your wax to calculate true energy costs. Also, the longer a melter takes to melt your wax, then the greater the heat loss which occurs to the ambient air temperature. In short, our melters, melting tanks and heating pots generally take 1-3 hours to melt your wax (under an hour for smaller melters and longer for 1000 pound melters), but if a lower watt melter took 6 hours to melt wax, then it would actually consume more than 3 times the regular wattage.
More Energy Efficient Than Most Coffee Makers: With our careful design, materials and evenly heating melting tank, most of our melters use less Wattage than most hair dryers.
Heat Conducting Tanks: WaxMelters exclusive proprietary inner melting tank surfaces and even, consistent heating, disburse the heat evenly to melt your candle waxes most efficiently. Other tanks use air (convection), do not heat as evenly or use lesser quality materials which regardless of Wattage, do not disburse heat efficiently.
Save on Labor Hours: The longer you have to wait for your wax to melt, the more time and money you waste waiting. Also, with our rounded tanks with Wax Melter's exclusive proprietory surface, cleaning is much easier and faster which saves you more time and money.
Bottom Line: We use the best parts and materials for your melting tanks, melters and heating pots. If something was better for candle making and wax melting, we would use it in our melting tanks, melters and heating pots. So the next time someone tells you their wax melter is energy efficient, ask them how long it takes to melt a batch of wax and you'll have your answer.
Before you became a professional candle maker, did you ever melt your candle waxes in your oven? Of course not because air is not an efficient conductor of heat. You used a stove top pot (direct heat melter) or double boiler (water jacket melting tank).
The laws of physics are the same today as they were when you were a beginner: air is an inefficient method of conducting and transfering heat, so why would you use a convection melter?
Bottom Line: If convection melters were good for candle making, we would sell them. We don't take chances with your candle business.
PRIOMO & PW Series Melters Are More Energy Efficient Than Convection:
Convection heated melters transfer heat by air and as you would imagine, the heated air must be circulated so temperature is difficult to maintain and requires Convection Heated Melters to be insulated. In contrast, our Direct Heat Melters are in direct contact with your substance so that is the most energy efficient. In our water jacket melters, our immersion heaters are directly immersed in the water they heat on a horizontal basis to allow for better disbursement of heat within the water jacket melting tank. Since all the heat in our water jacket melters is transmitted directly from our immersion heating element to the water, this direct heating makes the immersion heater from heating element to the water virtually 100% energy efficient.
Compare them at home: try baking and boiling the same food- which one is more efficient?Try cooking any egg, potato, carrot, etc by submersing it in small pot of boiling water and cooking the same item in a 212 degree oven and see which cooks faster. Obviously, the longer it takes to cook, the more energy you need to use and pay with higher energy bills. While a convection oven may cook better than a conventional oven, both cook by heating air which is why when you cook you almost always need the temperature of the oven to be much hotter than say, boiled water at 212 degrees. Which would cook an egg faster at 212 degrees? Which would cook potatoes faster at 212 degrees? In fact, most ovens require the temperature to be at over 300 degrees before they can cook. Plus, since it heats using air rather than water, your oven needs to be insulated more than the pot of water you are boiling. This is very similar to the differences between our water jacket melters and convection melting tanks.
Compare a forced air heating system to a radiant heating system: which one is more efficient?Which provides a better source of consistent heat? Which one actually heats a home rather than warms up the air? Have you ever noticed how long it takes for your couch or bed to heat up when using a forced air heating system? We are sure you notice that no matter how hard you blast your forced air heater, it still gets cold once you shut it off. That is why you constantly need the heater running. Also, which is normally a more expensive system- a radiant heater or forced air heater? Obviously, radiant heat, yet people sell Convection Heated Melters for more money than our more efficient, more reliable immersion-water based heated melting tanks.
Compare them at home: which one stays warmer longer? Set your oven to 212 and then boil a pot of water with the lid on it. Then shut them off. Notice how the boiled water stays hotter much longer than your oven, which means that when you heat up your immersion-water based melting tank it will stay warmer without using electricity for a longer period of time than a Convection Melting Tank. Since water maintains its heated temperature much better than air, then a water jacket melter will maintain its temperature and use less energy than a convection melter.
Therefore, immersion heating elements in a water jacket melters and melting tanks are far more efficient, reliable and effective for heating your waxes, soaps, oils, and any of your products than convection melting tanks and heaters. |
Our PRIMO & PW Series Melters Heat More Evenly Than Convection Melters:
Have you ever boiled a potato and noticed that one side burned while one side was under cooked? No, neither have we. On the other hand, have you ever baked a potato and burned only one side while the other side was undercooked? Unfortunately, we all have had this experience. Just take a frozen hot dog and put one in the oven at 212 degrees and boil the other. Which one is uniformly heated and which do you need to turn? Do yourself a favor and just put them both in the boiling water to save yourself plenty of aggravation.
Some companies that sell convection heating tanks and melters claim that immersion based water jacketed melters depend on maintaining water level for even heating? Yes, just like when you boil a pot of water you should make sure you put water in the pot. Just like when you drive a car you should make sure you have gasoline since that will evaporate also. With our water jacket melting tanks, so long as the lid is on there is relatively little evaporation and since our melters all come standard with an efficient pouring hole and a tube, so you can use our water jacket melters with simple monitoring since they minimize evaporation. |
Convection Melters Are More Dangerous Than Candle Wax Melters:
The heating element in a convection melter can catch fire! That's pretty dangerous when you are making candles. In fact, some companys became our customers because melting tanks they purchased from other companies have caught fire. Not only are all our products tested for safety, we refuse to sell a product which we feel has a propensity to catch fire so we refuse to sell convection melting tanks, convection melters and convection pots.
From a safety perspective, the main difference between a water jacket immersion based heating tank is surrounded by water reduces the chances of fire. Furthermore, even if you forget to add water, the immersion heating element in our water jacket melters should simply burn out. Please remember that when using any melter, all melting tanks and the wax, soap, gel, oils and molten products they heat can all potentially cause burns and/or fires. Obviously, once the heating element in the water jacket melter heats the water in the tank, the water is also hot. Please never operate any melter without proper safety equipment and without following the saftey precautions on our website. |
Our PRIMO & PW Series Melters Have A Longer Production Life Than Convection Melters
Unlike a convection heated melter, water jacket melters are designed to operate 24/7. They simply require the operator to monitor the water level. If someone tries to sell you a convection melting tank or melter claiming it can operate 24/7 without it having to be monitored since they have no water to worry about, then ask them: 1) Who is going to watch my product in the tank and dispense it? 2) Why do you have a warning label which states that I should not leave my melter on and unattended since the melting tank and heated, molten products are burn and fire hazards? Obviously, from a point of safety, you should never operate a melting tank, melter, heated pot and any molten products without safety gear, equipment and never leave them on while unattended. |